Friday, May 8, 2015

The End of Time

It`s more and more shared the idea that , before documented history, some global civilizations existed; civilizations that were born from savagery and which after having reached their apex, fell into oblivion after being wiped out by such big changes that they only left signs of their existence in myths and in the atavistic memory of people. If so, what determined their cyclical disappearance ?
There have been many discussions about the existence of celestial bodies, meteorites and comets, whose trajectory could cross the Earth`s. There have also been discussions about great cataclysms, which happened in the past which might also take place in the future. Old beliefs and cultural heritages from all over the world talk about huge catastrophes and floods. The end of the days is a frequent issue in every culture on the planet. For example the Apocalypse of Saint John is about the coming of the end of the world and the advent of doom.

The Mayas actually indicated a specific date for it which has been identified , according to our current calendar, to be in the year 2012, but the 2012 has passed, so its believed that maybe we haven`t find all their documents. In every holy text and in worldwide traditions , there are references to similar events, which destroyed or will destroy civilization by resetting time for a new cycle. Finally, science found worrying proof of numerous inversions of magnetic poles which happened in Earth in the past which indicate much planetary turmoil.
 What is true? Did the ancients know something that only today our civilization has began to take a glimpse of ? The hypothesis that in the last few years attempted to foresee the future of our planet, examined many different theories: from the impact of meteorites to the movements of the Earth`s crust, from Earth icing to Earth overheating, from the inversion of magnetic poles to the fight against extra-terrestrial civilization , from the anomalous activity of Sun to the self-destruction of human society. There are plenty of causes that could lead to the end of civilization and none of these negate the others.
Zecharia Sitchin is an orientalist with Russian origins who has been living and working in the United States for thirty years. A scientist of Mesopotamic cultures and an expert of cuneiform writing, he suggested novel theories from reading antique Sumerian and Babylonian texts.
The Berlin Museum hosts an Accadic seal dated the 3rd millennium b.c initialed VA/243 in which the Solar System is represented as made of ten celestial bodies in addition to the Sun and the Moon.
Sitchin , on the basis of his studies, affirm that the Mesopotamic civilization was the repository of an astronomical knowledge which was much higher than what we believed.
 The Sumerians counted 12 planets because they also included the Sun and the Moon. The twelfth planet was called Nibiru by the Sumerians and Marduk by the Babylonians. It`s Sumerian name means "PLANET OF THE CROSSING"  because apparently every 3600 years , it shows up within the Solar System , taking with it great disruption. According to the interpretation of Sitchin , the Nibiru planet was inhabited by Annunaki , who during their descent to Earth , describe the planet they came across , by starting from the outer side of the Solar System.
Pluto is called " the small Gaga, the one indicating the way". Neptune , whose Sumerian name is Antu , is described as "blue as crystal water" and as being Uranus` espouse . Uranus is called An, it has the same size of Antu, but it`s "blue greenish" and it is said " to be lying on the side" .
By reading these interpretations, it can be noticed that the colors of Uranus and Neptune and the fact that these two have identical dimensions , corresponding to our current astronomical data. Furthermore, Uranus has such an inclined rotational axis on the ecliptic plane to appear laid flat.
Without desiring to deepen the Babylonian cosmogonic and mythological system, this few steps are enough to support the idea that the ancients knew much more than what we are ready to admit.
Rabolu , whose original name was Joaquin Amortegui Valbuena , was an esoteric with Colombian roots, disciple of Samael Aun Weor who was also recognized as a Master of a well developed international Gnostic Community. By recovering a topic which had already been raised by Samael Aun Weor in the 60`s regarding the approaching a huge planet, Rabolu wrote in 1998 his last work called "Hercolubus or the red planet" which was aimed at warning and helping humanity to mend their ways before the end of all times by abandoning the ego culture and spiritually working for its salvation. The next of an apocalyptic genre, tells about the approach of a huge planet, 5 to 6 times bigger that Jupiter which, with its enormous mass, will lead to a global catastrophe by annihilating human civilization. This planet, which had already been said to be the cause of Atlantis`s end by Samael Aun Weor, would be reddish and it would bring with it, a stream of meteorites which would make it look like a huge comet. Rabolu does not provide dates, but he tells that the time is close. But what does science say about the existence of an unknown planet?
In 1972 J.Brady from Lawrence Livermore laboratory in California, found out that the orbit of Halley`s comet , of Uranus and Neptune were affected by an unknown strength.This led him to assume the existence of an unknown planet far beyond the orbit of Pluto. In 1981 , on the basis of the data that were collected by the probes Pioneer 10,11 and Voyager, the idea of the existence on an object with a size double that of Earth`s and with an orbit period of more than 1,000 years, was strengthened. In 1983 , the Americans put in the Earthly orbit an infrared telescope. In this way, hundreds of thousands of objects visible to infrared were catalogued , in addition to five unknown comets, some asteroids and a celestial body similar to a comet. Some indiscretions brought the news to press and during that year, NASA had to issue an official press release. NASA admitted the fact that the mysterious body was only 80 billion kilometer from the Sun, and it was 5 times bigger than Earth but it then denied the whole thing in the following years. In 1999,
Dr. John Murray from the UK Open University and Dr.John Matese from Louisiana University in the States , had identified a giant object beyond Pluto about 38 billion km away , which was at least 3 times bigger than Jupiter and it had a strongly elliptical and retrograde orbit that is to say opposite to the rotational direction of other Planets. In meantime , rumors over the internet doubled: there are many websites which are exclusively dedicated to the topic. Independent researches affirm that government departments and agencies are hiding the evidences, some of them affirm that the approaching planet will be visible within a few years. Official science denies it all : in 2009 NASA , through one of its official websites, denied once and for all , the existence of a celestial body with the features of Nibiru by dedicating a specific page of questions and answers on the issue.
Which is the truth? Is a planetary threat really approaching ? And if so, are governments trying to keep it secret in order to not generate panic ? As so often happens to those who look for answers , certainties are very rare.
Once thing is certain : even just the idea of facing an unavoidable catastrophe suggests we should reconsider our way of living and our role towards the world and existence itself. As Dante Alighieri wrote " Ye were not form`d to live the life of brutes, but virtue to pursue and knowledge high"                  

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