Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jack the Ripper

New York City Municipal archives, locked in this institution archives is one item that speaks to a sinister event that is still shrouded in history. According to researcher Robert Anderson, this books contains the crimes that shocked all the people in that century. What does this book reveal about the identity of one of most horrible murder?
April 24, 1891 New York City, police respond to a report from the staff of the "East River" hotel and discover a horrific scene. Covered in a pool of blood is a corp of a woman , she was cut deep in the stomach , and her organs and intestines were put out of the body. After interviewing the hotel staff police identified the victim as a well-known prostitute named Kerry Brown .

 The cases handed to the L.P.D. inspector Thomas Burns who have reasons to believe that this is not the only crime. But what the agent Burns evident is that the other murder haven`t happen in New York but about 5,000 kilometers away, in London , England.
The unsolved crimes attributed to a psychopath killer known as Jack the Ripper. 
Burns now faces a very frightening possibility.The question they made: was this killer seeking prey in New York City?
Eager to unmask the killer Burns interviews the "East River" hotel housekeeper who says that Kerry Brown was recorded into the room No.31 with a male companion , she describe the man 177 centimeter tall, thin and with white skin and with mustache. And she reveals that he is known around the neighborhood only as Frenchy. 
Burns rounds up several suspects with nickname Frenchy and makes comparisons , but one of them is different from the others, a man named Arbi La Bruckman . Just how the ripper , La Bruckman knows how to use a knife, he is a cattle slaughter-man who places his trade on board of ships that seal between New York and London. And under questioning La Bruckman make a stunning admission , amazingly he volunteers announced that he was arrested in London and faced trail on charges as  being Jack the Ripper. But La Brackman beat the charges , now Burns begins to wonder, as he finally caught  Jack the Ripper . Inspector Burns believes that Arbi La Bruckman is his man. 

But the suspects relatives testify that he was not near the scene of crime the night when Kerry Brown was murdered. La Bruckman has a perfect protected alibi. Desperate to catch the ripper , Burns focuses his attention on another suspects known as Frenchy , a Franch-Algerian sailer named Amir Ben Ali. On the night in question Ben Ali stayed at the "East River" hotel in room No. 33, the room directly across from Browns. But there is a problem , the dark complexion of Ali does not match the description of the white skin man, at the hotel with Kerry Brown. Despite this clearing in consistency , Burns placed Ben Ali under arrest and his charges of the murder of Kerry Brown. In court the prosecution introduces shocking new evidences that they say conclusively  linked the Algerian to the crime. Police said that they have found a travel blood living from room 31 to 33, and blood on the door outside of the room 33. It seem this damaging information seals Ben Ali fate sentenced to life imprisonment. In the wake of the conviction no other murders are attributed to Jack the Ripper and the citizens in both site of the Atlantic breath released. confident that the king in this reign of terror is over but 11 years later the case takes a startling turn by reviewing evidence a group of reporters determined that the blood found in the hotel and in the door of Ben Ali`s room have been planted by the police.
Some elements of the press says that this blood have been planted there by the police because when the reporters were aloud to inspect the area we haven`t seen anything    
They suggested  that under the intense pressure to solve to solve the crime inspector Burns trapped Ben Ali . After learning this detail the governor of New York determines that Amir Ben Ali has been wrongly imprisoned and demanded his release. Until these day the identity of the killer remains a mystery . Today this book with articles and notes about this case recalls how the streets of this metropolis my have ones been a hunting grounds of one of the worlds most notorious killers.
Year 2014, after 126 years revealed the real Jack the Ripper, considered the most mysterious and dangerous serial killer of all-time . He is Aaron Konsminski a Polish barber who lived in London.
He was one of the six main suspects as responsible the so-called Jack the Ripper . All began when businessman Russell Edwards bought at auction in 2007 , scarf found in the body of one of the victims of Jack the Ripper, the scarf of Cathryn Edans. He sent this scarf to an expert specialized in genetics analyzes and historical crimes. After several years research doctor Foukhalein reached to identify the victim`s ` DNA by comparing with her descendant but also the DNA of the suspect. 

From these analyzes it showed that the assassin was Aaron Konsminski , known as Jack the Ripper , and his macabre killings during the years 1888-1891. From 11 executions in London of that period , 5 of them are believed to have been committed by this serial killer. 

The movie "From hell" with Johnny Depp and Heather Graham , is based in this story , but in the movie the assassin is presented as a member of the Masons and the same time the royal family doctor in England. The Queen of England was aware about Masons and their rituals so she asked her doctor to kill a group of prostitutes because they knew about the prince illegal connection and about his child with one prostitute, friend of them. Every movie has something true.. This movie, David Icke book , etc shows that people who govern us have connections with Masons... 
Which is the really truth.... ???

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