Friday, May 8, 2015

The End of Time

It`s more and more shared the idea that , before documented history, some global civilizations existed; civilizations that were born from savagery and which after having reached their apex, fell into oblivion after being wiped out by such big changes that they only left signs of their existence in myths and in the atavistic memory of people. If so, what determined their cyclical disappearance ?
There have been many discussions about the existence of celestial bodies, meteorites and comets, whose trajectory could cross the Earth`s. There have also been discussions about great cataclysms, which happened in the past which might also take place in the future. Old beliefs and cultural heritages from all over the world talk about huge catastrophes and floods. The end of the days is a frequent issue in every culture on the planet. For example the Apocalypse of Saint John is about the coming of the end of the world and the advent of doom.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pyramid in Ravne

In the autumn of 2011, in Visoko near Sarajevo , in what`s dubbed the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids , was a conference with the goal of presenting the latest discoveries of those mysterious structures. Join me in the report on the conference and other secrets of the ancient past. Here we are at 250 meters from the entrance of the underground labyrinth Ravne . In this spot we can breathe marvelously because of the air circulation.

The theory of the Hologram

The theory of the Hologram was launched  in 1997 by physicist Juan Maldacena who was able to prove its existence in equations that only partially explain our universe. It expression was  " We are living in a giant hologram, and everything we see around us is merely a projection of a two-dimensional surface" .
Now researchers in Austria have, for the first time, been able to show how this strange holographic principle can also work in a more realistic model of our cosmos.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Porcelain Twins

South Bend Indiana , this mid-western city derives its name from its location on the southern most curve of the Saint Josephs River. And just a few blocks from its banks , in the Center For History there you can find items ranging from antic, such as documents about industry , to a steel gas part. 

But there is one fragile object that stands out from this heavy machinery , this old china doll may look innocent , but recording to deputy executive director Branden Anderson , a toy just like this was central to a bizarre tale at this deception and intrigue.
What role did this toy play in one of most mystified scandals ??

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jack the Ripper

New York City Municipal archives, locked in this institution archives is one item that speaks to a sinister event that is still shrouded in history. According to researcher Robert Anderson, this books contains the crimes that shocked all the people in that century. What does this book reveal about the identity of one of most horrible murder?
April 24, 1891 New York City, police respond to a report from the staff of the "East River" hotel and discover a horrific scene. Covered in a pool of blood is a corp of a woman , she was cut deep in the stomach , and her organs and intestines were put out of the body. After interviewing the hotel staff police identified the victim as a well-known prostitute named Kerry Brown .

Saturday, May 2, 2015

 Illuminati  Rule the world?

David Icke  writes about the Illuminati and all their connected secret groups and how they are the ones manipulating world events for their benefit. Who are the super rich "elite" Illuminati ? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans,Duponts, Fords, Carnegies,Melons,Bush's etc. Did you know how this evil group manipulates humanity to fight wars in order for them to benefit financially and control the masses of the over 6 billion human beings on this planet. War or the threat of war on a never ending basis is the main way they keep the people in fear, so the few can control the masses! 

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Who haven`t cry about Nepal tragedy, more than 4,800 people died, more than 9,200 injured,8 million affected across Nepal and one million children urgently need for help. 
Who haven`t cry when have seen the images of this tragedy.. 
Those are startling numbers that indicate the scale of the devastation from the huge earthquake that struck the Himalayan nation on Saturday. And some of the grim figures are likely to get even worse as hopes of rescuing any more survivors diminish every hour.

Zodiac Killer

An unknown killer named Zodiac appeared in the late 1960`s and early 1970`s , he operated in Northern California and murdered victims in Benicia,Vallejo, San Francisco and Lake Berryessa between Dec 1968 and Oct 1969 . Four men and three women between the ages of 16 and 19 were targeted. He originated the name" Zodiac" in an August 7, 1969 in a letter he sent to a local press , which was one in a series of taunting letters, including and four cryptograms. One of the four cryptograms sent has been definitively solved. Investigators has some suspected but in the absence of evidence no one could confront the court. In April 2004, the San Francisco Police Department marced the case "inactive" , yet re-opened the case at some point prior to March 2007, it also remains open in the city of Vallejo, Napa county and Solano county. The California Department of Justice has maintained an open case file on the Zodiac murders since 1969. 
His first crime is supposed  to happen on December 20, 1968, the murdered of David Faraday, 17 and Betty Jensen ,16  on the Lake Herman Road.The next murdered happened on July 4,1969 in the parking lot of Blue Rock Springs Park in Vallejo, where Michael Mageau 19, and Darlene Ferrin 22, got shot. Mageau survived the attack , but Ferrin was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. Bryan Hartnell 20, and Cecelia Shepard 22 , stabbed on September 27, 1969 at lake Berryessa in Napa County; Hartnell survived eight stab wounds to the back, but Shepard died as a result of her injuries on September 29, 1969. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

House of horrors

Have you heard about Ariel Castro? The maniac and his horror house? Was between years 2002 and 2004, that three young women were kidnapped and imprisoned by Ariel Castro( 1960-2013) in his home in the Tremont , Ohio . Michelle Knight,Amanda Berry, and Georgina DeJesus were held against their will in his house on Seymour Avenue until May 6 , 2013, when Berry escaped with her six-year-old daughter and contact the police. Knight and DeJesus were rescued by responding officers and Castro was arrested within hours. On May 8, 2013, Castro was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape.  Let`s read how describes the two survivors of this horrible story . 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Malaysian airplane disappeared

It was 8 March 2014, the date when " Malaysia Airplane Flight 37" disappeared, after departing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 passengers and crew members on board. Official announcements have been questioned by many critics, and several theories about the disappearance have been proposed. 
A Vietnamese search team has found what they believe is part of a door and an airplane's tail in the first major breakthrough in the hunt for missing aircraft.
The suspected fragments have been located around 50 miles from south-west of Tho Chu Island.
Investigators are narrowing the focus of their inquiries on the possibility that the plane disintegrated in mid-flight, a senior source said on Sunday
'The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet,' said the source, who is involved in the investigations in Malaysia.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Another prediction about the world and for its end is made by Maya, Thank God that this prediction proved incorrect or that their calendar was deemed incomplete.The Maya civilization dated around 2,600 B.C and  developed in southeastern Mexico,Guatemala and Belize, and the western of Honduras and El Salvador, originating .  They were noted for astronomy, art, architecture ( including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools) , mathematical, astronomical, and hieroglyphic writing.The history of Maya civilization is divided into three principal periods : The Preclassic 2,000 B.C , Classic A.D 250 and Postclassic A.D 950 . 

The prophecies of Nostradamus

Nostradamus was born in France, he become famous because he published collections of prophecies. He published the book" Les Propheties" in 1555. The first installment contained 353 quatrains, the second with 289 further prophetic verses in 1557, and the third edition , with 300 new quatrains was printed in 1558, but now only survives as part of the omnibus edition and was published in 1568, after his death. This version contains one unrhymed and 941 rhymed quatrains, grouped into nine sets of 100 and 1 of 42 called "Centuries".  Nostradamus was not only a diviner, but a professional healer. He wrote at least two books on medical science. His prophecies are separated in 5 part. The last part is about the World War 3 and people are expecting to be confirmed at the end; what he exactly predicted:                               

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The world, the earth

 The world is the third planet from the Sun,the largest in the Solar system`s four terrestrial planets and the only astronomical object known to accommodate life. The life on earth arose at least 4.5 billion years ago by accretion from the solar Nebula.Volcanic out gassing probably created the primordial atmosphere, but it contained almost no oxygen and would have been toxic to humans and most modern life.