Saturday, May 2, 2015

 Illuminati  Rule the world?

David Icke  writes about the Illuminati and all their connected secret groups and how they are the ones manipulating world events for their benefit. Who are the super rich "elite" Illuminati ? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans,Duponts, Fords, Carnegies,Melons,Bush's etc. Did you know how this evil group manipulates humanity to fight wars in order for them to benefit financially and control the masses of the over 6 billion human beings on this planet. War or the threat of war on a never ending basis is the main way they keep the people in fear, so the few can control the masses! 

The Illuminati achieve their horrible insane agenda,.this sick group and the bankers within the group-finance and support both sides in all the major wars that have been waged or are currently being fought on this Planet. They really have no compassion for human life, and do not care how many millions or quite possibly billions of human beings they have to kill to achieve their end result, whatever their desired result is.
 They don't care if you're black or white or Christian, Muslim or Jewish, Democrat or Republican, whether you're American, Chinese, Afghan, European, Iraqi, Israeli, Palestinian etc. or whoever. 
To the Illuminati humans are no more than cattle to be slaughtered, if need be.  
Did you know how they created organized religions, science, schools and colleges and other educational systems and the military all over the world to be used to control human minds.. Through their financial web around the world, they control the banks and the money, and the Fortune 500 corporations, through which they control over 80% of all the wealth in the world! They control every major media outlet in television, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, books, music etc., through no more then 12 huge major multi-national media conglomerates. This is their main way for this sinister group to suppress the truth of their evil deeds from ever coming out.

The Illuminati choose and maneuver into office the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Senators, Congressmen, Parliament members, dictators, and every other key government official in every government in every Nation. Elections in so-called "democratic" Nations are a charade and an act for the benefit of letting the people think and believe that there are free elections. When in reality there are only two major Illuminati controlled political parties to choose from in "democratic" Nations.Plus it costs so many millions of dollars to run in an "election" that no viable "outsider" candidate has the money or any major chance to be elected. If in the course of events an "outsider" somehow does get elected somewhere and if he/she do not do what they are told, he/she is immediately disposed of in some Illuminati arranged assassination, accident or suicide, or in a smear campaign in their corporate controlled media
What you are about to read sounds so fantastic, that it may be almost impossible for one to believe. The Illuminati would not even want you to think for yourself of the possibility that such a group is real and actually exists!. So as you consider all of this, keep an open mind and at least be open that what you are about to read may be a possibility.
 David Icke in his book talks about a small group that has ruled this planet for thousands of years and have passed on their "rule" from generation to generation through their bloodline. The "rulers" have maintained this bloodline through the intermarriages of the so-called Royal Family monarchies over the course of thousands of years. The so-called "Eastern Establishment" in the U.S.A.. and the "European and British Establishment" also intermarry in the same way to maintain their bloodline. David points out that all 43 president in the U.S.A re related and that 33 of the presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of Charlemagne! This possible truth alone should be sending off major alarm bells in your mind. Like this is no coincidence; the odds of this randomly happening are billions to one.

Why the few "ruling elite" at the top of the pyramid are called REPTILIANS; that possibly because several thousand years ago "non- humans" came to this planet and mated with the beings on planet Earth. Because of their superior knowledge, they were able to expand their "rule" and control this planet to this day. They maintained their special bloodline for these thousands of years through intermarrying amongst themselves, they can be able to look like human beings and at the same time they can look like Reptilians when they're privately out of the view of the public, they supposedly set up all the organized religions, monarchies, school systems, science, all the media and everything else they needed to control the masses of humanity over thousands of years.
This group being Satanic and performing human ritual sacrifice throughout the course of history and currently "underground" on a large scale to this very day! Just ask yourself the question "where have all the "missing children" all over the world "disappeared" to?" This is a horrendous question to confront, but the possible answers to this question is so important to face up to, if we are to look at the possibility that a very evil group is actually performing human sacrifice in this world today on a large scale too sick to imagine! Only the answers to such a question can allow us to stop them., if this is really happening. You may find yourself saying "how could this group be getting away with mass murder and insane atrocities such as these?" One possible answer is that If you control All the major mass media, it can be possible to suppress even this hideous possible truth. Anyone even raising such a question is shown in the media to be just "another one of those crazy conspiracy nuts". But before passing judgment and dismissing such an "unbelievable" possibility, at least let's have a major serious investigation of "where have all the disappearing children gone?". If you remember the problem was so great in the U.S.A. that the faces of thousands of "missing children" were put on milk cartons all across the Nation! And yet no President nor anyone in the U.S. government has ever called for a major serious investigation of this out of control potential "mass murder of children" problem. WHY? 
 Any knowledge that could help humanity "break out of the Illuminati created prison" on planet Earth has been withheld and suppressed, which allows this group to maintain their control. Can you imagine what it would be like if what David is saying is true? If humanity had the knowledge this group withholds from human beings, and if this knowledge was used for the good of humanity, what a wonderful world this could be!
 Lately there have been several key developments that need questioning and answers.The Space Station has been continually in the process of being built now for probably 20 or so years. Right now it appears to have turned into a large "coalition project" of the US, Russia, Europe, Japan and maybe others. Just how big the Space Station will eventually be or what is the ultimate goal of the space station is not told to The People, nor talked about in the media. But it seems like a lot of work is going on "up there". Plus you have the Mars, Venus, Saturn and other space probes working "up there" at a quickening pace. And you have many sitings of UFOs all over the world, plus all of the crop circle stuff, which are never addressed in the corporate controlled media in any serious way. Now how do all these billions of dollars being spent on the Space Station and space probes benefit the 6 billion poor human "slaves" on this planetThere is no benefit. In fact it is robbing the "slaves" of hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used to help wipe out poverty in the U.S.A. and every other country and to prevent so many millions of humans from dieing of starvation! So one may ask "who is making the decisions as to why all this effort is being done and for what reasons and goals? Who is planning and coordinating all of this? In other words "what is going on up there and for whose benefit is all this for?"
 You may find yourself wanting answers to all these questions too! The answers to these questions are of the utmost importance for every human on this planet. "We the People" have a right to know exactly what the space program is all about and the real true goals of such a major endeavor.and who's benefit is all this for? It's definitely not for the benefit of you or I or our fellow 6 billion human beings. Only a few "space tourists" were allowed to fly "up there" for $20,000,000 each, a price definitely out of the reach of 99.9999999% of the human beings on this planet.
Those that are familiar with the Illuminati understand how the Illuminati work. They take small steps at a time covertly so the masses won't realize what's going on, thereby diverting attention from what they're really up to. Somehow the space program fits into their plan and it would be a good idea for the 6 billion humans on this planet to investigate the agenda of the Illuminati and all their affiliated groups in regards to this. Are they really Reptilians ? Are they getting ready to possibly leave planet Earth after they finish destroying this Planet or most of this Planet?
Many good people write about these subjects, in books and elsewhere, and they sound frustrated and powerless to do anything about this awful situation and get rid of the Illuminati and their associates and stop this sick horrendous manipulation that is destroying our planet and humanity. There is no concerted focused real course of action being taken on a large scale to bring this potentially "unbelievable" situation to the surface so it can be dealt with.
Can you imagine what it would be like in our world, if this manipulation was exposed and stopped, and how this would benefit humanity in so many wonderful ways? Can you visualize living in a world of PEACE instead of a world of ILLUMINATI generated wars?

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